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What is Good Dialysis Diet Food to Eat

2015-11-07 06:04

What is Good Dialysis Diet Food to EatWhat is good dialysis diet food to eat? Dialysis patients should pay high attention to daily diet in life, and well managed diet is helpful for treating disease and alleviating symptoms or complications. The below should be followed for patients on dialysis.

Vegetables and fruits

Low potassium and low phosphorus are the standard you should choose food in life. Lettuce, cucumber, eggplant are good choices, as well as grape, strawberry and blueberry, apple. No salt or little salt need be followed in diet strictly.


Protein is necessary for our body, and if you do not have enough, malnutrition can happen on you. Before dialysis, patients are requested to have a low protein diet, as dialysis can filter some protein out form body, so patients on dialysis should have a little more protein in meals to prevent malnutrition. Meat is the good source of protein for us, beef, fish, red meat are high quality protein which are beneficial for us. Ordinary protein should still be limited to prevent worsening kidney function.


Much water or fluids can put burdens on kidney, and cause swelling. Thus, you need to limit drinks in life, and coffee, tea should be limited or avoided. Beer has high phosphorus, which should be avoided.


Grain food are common and good for patients with dialysis, which are usually low in phosphorus and potassium. Cereal and bread which are made by whole grain are good options for dialysis.

The above are good suggestions for dialysis diet food, but also you should consult your doctors and dietitians in detail to set up a healthy diet which is according to your disease condition. If you need more or any question, leave a message or contact online doctors anytime, we will reply very soon for you in detail.

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