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What Kind of Drinks Should Avoid for Dialysis Patients

2014-06-20 06:39

What Kind of Drinks Should Avoid for Dialysis PatientsDialysis is a common treatment for end stage kidney failure patients. When people start dialysis, they also need to pay attention to what they eat and drink in their daily life, which is good for their illness condition. In how summer, more and more person want to drink cold drinks to decrease internal heat. However, for dialysis patients, what kind of drinks should avoid for dialysis patients?

Fruit juice

Since most of the fruits are high in potassium, so dialysis patients need to avoid the fruit juices which are high in potassium, and this can help prevent the irregular heart beat caused by high potassium level in blood. The high potassium fruit juices include orange, prune, pomegranate, grapefruit and avocado.

The recommended fruit juices for dialysis patients include: apple juice, red grapefruit, cherry juice, blueberry juice, etc.


Milk is also not suggested for dialysis patients, because it is high in phosphorus. The high phosphorus level intake will cause the problems such as skin itching, bone disease, thyroid dysfunction. So dialysis patients need to avoid the milk intake.

High-sugar drinks

Dialysis patients also need to avoid the high-sugar drinks, because it will increase the kidney burden and cause further kidney damage.

Functional drinks

Functional drinks include sport drinks, energy drinks and health drinks, which can regulate the body function and supply people energy. However, most of the functional drinks contain high caffeine, which will make nerve system exciting and cause rapid heartbeat. And this can cause the extra stress on heart, which will increase the heart burden and cause heart damage.

Above are the drinks that dialysis patients need to avoid in their daily diet, which will be helpful for their illness condition. If you still have some questions after reading, you can ask the doctor online, they will answer you freely.

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