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What Are the Harms of Dialysis for Kidney Failure Patients

2014-08-19 02:23

What Are the Harms of Dialysis for Kidney Failure PatientsWhat are the harms of dialysis for kidney failure patients? Dialysis is a common treatment when patients suffer from end stage kidney failure, and patients think dialysis will prolong their life expectancy, then do you know dialysis can also be harmful for patient? In this article, we will learn the harms of dialysis for kidney failure patients. If you still have any questions after reading, you can ask the online doctor, or leave a message below.

Why kidney failure patients need to have dialysis?

Kidney failure means the gradually reduction of kidney function, which can be caused by both primary and secondary kidney disease. When patients develop into end stage kidney failure, their kidneys will fail to work completely.

In this condition, there will be lots of toxins and wastes building up in blood, which will be life-threatening for kidney failure patients, so they need to have dialysis. Dialysis is a replacement treatment for kidney failure, which can help substitute the failed kidneys to work well.

Dialysis can help remove the toxins and wastes in blood, and it can also help remove the excess fluid in blood, all these can help purify the blood, and protect the organs in body. However, the long term dialysis can also cause some complications and side effects for kidney failure patients.

What are the harms of dialysis for kidney failure patients?

1. Bone disease caused by dialysis

For dialysis patients, their kidneys will fail to active the vitamin D, which will cause the lack of calcium in bones, then patients will suffer from bone diseases, such as bone pain, fracture, myasthenia, etc.

2. Concurrent diseases of the cardiovascular system

For patients with long term dialysis, they are at high risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease, which is also the main reason of death for dialysis patients. And the common cardiovascular disease include high blood pressure, low blood pressure, heart failure, arrhythmia, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, etc.

3. Anemia

Anemia can be caused by many factors for kidney failure patients in dialysis. There are two main causes, one is the decrease of EPO production caused by low kidney function, and another is too much toxins and wastes building up in blood caused inhibition of bone marrow hematopoietic function.

4. Infections

For dialysis patients, they suffer from a very low immune system, so they will easily get infections, which will be very harmful for kidney failure patients. Because every infection can worsen the illness condition.

Above are the harms of dialysis for kidney failure patients, so kidney failure patients need to consider well before they decided to have dialysis. In fact, kidney failure patients need to have early treatment, which can help prevent dialysis. They need to take the alternative treatment to improve their kidney function and get rid of dialysis, which can help make a good prognosis for them.

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