High Creatinine Dialysis BUN
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Is Bitter Gourd Effective to Reduce High Creatinine Level

2016-06-23 06:51

Is Bitter Gourd Effective to Reduce High Creatinine LevelBitter gourd is one super food that has many health benefits and is popular all over the world, even though its bitterness turn a part of people away from it. Well then, is bitter gourd effective to control high creatinine?

Bitter melon contains rich minerals, antioxidant substances, vitamins, fiber, etc, so it has the properties of diuretic, easing swelling, tonifying the kidney, improving blood circulation, lowering high blood sugar, stimulating easy digestion and so on. Here, we can know bitter gourd indeed can help control high creatinine level, because of its diuretic and tonifying kidney benefits.

However, it doesn’t mean patients with high creatinine level can eat bitter gourd freely, because it may also cause some side effects if eating extra fluid. (Therefore, you are recommended to consult the doctor to determine how much bitter gourd you can consume one daily.)

As kidneys are in charge of excreting creatinine, foods that can help increase kidney excretion amount or improve kidney function are helpful. From this point, we give out the following dietary suggestions.

- Develop a low-sodium diet to control fluid retention and high blood pressure

- Take in correct amount of high-quality protein to reduce the burden on kidneys

- Control the intake of meat to reduce the creatine supplement

- Avoid animal oil

- Follow a diet with right amount of potassium and phosphorus

Chinese medicine is the good option to reudce high creatinine, which can remove wastes from body by recovering kidney function well, and it is also a systematic herbal treatment, used widely to treat kidney disease in clinic. if you have any question or need any help, leave a message for us or contact our online doctors anytime, reply will be given for you very soon. it is a pleasure that we can help you solve problems. 

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