High Creatinine Dialysis BUN
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How to Control Creatinine 2.6 with PKD

2014-04-23 06:08

How to Control Creatinine 2.6 with PKDThe normal creatinine level for an adult ranges from 0.5 to 1.2. In different areas, it may have a little change. But creatinine 2.6 is more than twice of the normal level. It indicates that there is severe damage to your kidneys. How to control creatinine 2.6 with PKD?

Reduce the produce of creatinine

Creatinine mainly has two sources. One is muscle metabolism and the other is the meat we take. Therefore, in exercise we should try to avoid strenuous activity and instead we can do some gentle exercise like walking, tai chi and qi gong. In diet, we should take more vegetables and fruits instead of meat. But at the same time, pay attention to their content of potassium and phosphorus lest too much phosphorus and potassium intake.

Increase the output of creatinine

Diuretics and some herbal tea can increase the output of urine. Because creatinine is passed out of the body in the urine, more creatinine will be taken away with the increased urine output. Dandelion tea, nettle leaf tea and corn silk tea are all belong to such herbal tea. But if you have severe edema, you should limit the intake of tea.

Improve kidney function

Improving kidney function is a basic way to control creatinine level. For PKD patients, the first thing they should do is to shrink the kidney cysts so as to prevent further damage and protect the remaining kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a conservative treatment without surgery. It can retain the proliferation of renal tubule epithelial cells to stop the enlargement of cyst wall. It can also inhibit the cyst wall from secreting cystic fluid. Besides, this treatment can increase the reabsorption of cyst fluid. In this way, kidney cysts gradually shrink. Moreover, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidneys and improve kidney function.

If you would like to know more about how to control creatinine with PKD, please contact online doctor.

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