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What Is PKD

2014-03-14 08:18

What Is PKDPKD is short for polycystic kidney disease. It is one of the most common life-threatening genetic disease, which is known for the growth of fluid-filled pouches in the kidneys.

How is PKD diagnosed?

PKD is often diagnosed from family history, the common symptoms and imaging tests.

If your family members have PKD, it is most likely for you to have PKD as well. The common symptoms of PKD are listed below. As to the imaging tests, abdominal ultrasound, abdominal CT, abdominal MRI scan, and intravenous pyelogram are often used to see inside your body and look for cysts.

The common symptoms of PKD

-Bloating abdomen

The kidney cysts keep growing with time going, which make your abdomen seem a little bigger.

-High blood pressure

People with PKD always suffer from high blood pressure. Because the enlarged kidney cysts oppress the tissues around, resulting in the constriction of blood vessels. In order to maintain the adequate levels of blood flows to all parts of body, blood pressure increases.


Hematuria is also an obvious symptom of PKD, which means the red blood cells leak into the urine. It may result from the rupture of cysts, impaired kidney function, kidney stone or infection.

-Back pain

Back pain occurs when the cysts oppress the tissues around. Kidney stone, infection and cyst burst are also associated with back pain.

-Impaired kidney function

Impaired kidney function is one of the most serious outcome of PKD. As the cysts enlarge, they damage the kidneys, which may interfere with the ability of your kidneys to work properly. It can result in a series of symptoms, such as edema, proteinuria and anemia.

The common complications of PKD

Urinary tract infection, kidney stone, growth cysts in the liver, development of an aneurysm in the brain, heart valve abnormalities, colon problems and so on are all common among PKD patients. Space limited, we do not explain them one by one. If you would like to know more, please contact online doctors.

What are the treatments for PKD?

-Conventional Treatment for PKD

The conventional treatment for PKD is to manage these symptoms. ACE inhibitors, ARBs and some other hypotensive drugs are often used to control blood pressure. Antibiotics are often used to treat urinary tract infection. If your back pain is very serious, painkiller may be needed.

If the cysts are large enough, surgery is needed. The common surgeries include two types. One is to insert a long needle to drain the cysts and then inject alcohol to keep additional cysts from forming. Another is laparoscopic surgery to drain the cyst and then burn its outer wall.

If PKD progresses to kidney failure, dialysis and kidney transplant are necessary.

-Traditional Chinese Medicine for PKD

Compared to conventional treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine has few side effects. And it is more safe and convenient.

Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies include Enema Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Moxibustion, Circle Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, etc. Some of them can inhibit the generation of cyst fluid. Some of them can increase the permeability so that the fluid can flow out. Some are used to dilate blood vessels so as to lower blood pressure. And some of them can recover the yin, yang, qi, blood in the kidneys. These therapies do not only control these symptoms, but also preserve your kidney function as well as shrink the cysts.

Healthy lifestyle for PKD

Besides the medication, you should also pay attention to the healthy lifestyle. It also plays an important role in slowing down the progression of PKD to kidney failure.

-Follow a healthy diet plan

If your kidney function is still normal, you should drink plenty of water to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection. But if your kidney function declines, you should limit the fluid intake to avoid edema. You should also follow a low protein and low fat diet. Besides, sodium should be restricted as well. But you can eat moderate fresh vegetables and fruits which contain high fiber and vitamins, which are all good for your health.

-Do exercise regularly

Doing exercise has many health benefits. It can improve your immune system, lower blood pressure, boost your energy, etc. But you should pay attention not to sprain or bump your back area, in case that the cysts burst.

-Keep a good mood

You should keep a positive attitude at any time. It can encourage yourself to overcome the disease. At the same time, with the peace of mind, it is easy for you control blood pressure.

-Prevent cold

In the daily, you should prevent recurrence of cold, because it can worsen your medical condition and accelerate the decline of kidney function.

The prognosis of PKD

PKD gets worse over time. At last, it may develop to kidney failure. And then you have to live on dialysis or wait for a kidney transplant. But with aggressive treatment and heathy lifestyle, it is possible for you to live a normal and full life .

If you have any doubt about PKD, please contact our online doctors, or leave a message below.

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Successful cases of PKD

There is no cure for PKD, but believe in us and we can control it well.

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