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5 Stages of Polycystic Kidney Disease

2014-09-10 06:11

 Stages of Polycystic Kidney DiseasePolycystic Kidney Diesase is a genetic kidney disorder which pass on from generation to generation. It is divided into 5 stages in medicine and each of them is marked by different severity of kidney condition. Different treatment methods are needed for Polycystic Kidney Disease in different stages. Well, which stage of PKD are you in?

5 stages of Polycystic Kidney Disease:

Stage 1: Occurrence period

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a hereditary disease, so many patients are born with PKD gene. In initial stage, there is no cysts in kidney or the cysts in kidney are very small, so no kidney damages are caused during this period. Also, for this reason, PKD patients experience no symptoms in this tage.

Stage 2: Growth stage

In stage 2 of Polycystic Kidney Disease, more and more cysts appear in kidney. And this condition usually appears when patients in their 30-40.

Stage 3: Enlargement stage

Stage 3 PKD is marked by the quick enlargement of kidney cyst which usually occurs when patients in their 40. In most cases, patients are prescribed with oral medicines to control their symptoms like high blood pressure, blood urine and proteinuria. Actually, this is far from enough. To stop further kidney damages, stopping the enlargement of kidney cyst and shrinking kidney cysts are very necessary.

Stage 4:stage of kidney cyst burst

When Polycystic Kidney Disease develops to stage 4, cysts in kidney are usually very big in size. Large kidney cysts burst easily in this tage and they may rupture due to mild knocking in kidney locations. Some measures need to be taken in this stage to prevent the rupture of kidney cyst.

Stage 5: kidney failure stage or uremia stage

Stage 5 is the last stage of PKD. In this stage, kidneys have been damaged severely. Dialysis or kidney transplant is needed when kidneys shut down completely. But for these who still have urine output, they can take effective treatment to avoid or delay dialysis and kidney transplant.

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Successful cases of PKD

There is no cure for PKD, but believe in us and we can control it well.

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