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Can You Die From A Cyst on Your Kidney

2014-07-22 08:06

Can You Die From A Cyst on Your KidneyCan you die from a cyst on your kidney? Chronic kidney disease is a refractory illness and so far there is no cure for it. For this reason, some people become scared when they are told there is a cyst in their kidney, as they know little about kidney cyst. Here, in this article we will give an introduction about kidney cyst and its bad effects.

What is kidney cyst?

A kidney cyst is a fluid collection in the kidney. In medicine, there are different types of kidney cyst such as simple kidney cyst, multiple kidney cyst and Polycystic Kidney Disease. The majority are benign and they causes no damage on kidney when they are in small size. However, the problem is some kidney cysts enlarge over time. They become larger and larger over time and at that time, they suppress surrounding kidney tissues, which can lead to impairment of kidney function.

Is kidney cyst serious?

Small kidney cyst is not life-threatening. In general, when a kidney cyst is in small size (smaller than 3cm), no medical treatment is needed and what patients need to do is to have regular test to see if the cyst is enlarging over time. However, for big kidney cyst (bigger than 3cm), medical treatment is needed to remove it or shrink it, or it will damage kidney tissues and affect kidney from working properly.

Can you die from a cyst on your kidney?

As we have mentioned above, there are different types of kidney cyst and one of them is Polycystic Kidney Disease which is deadly when it develops to kidney failure stage. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic kidney problem which is marked by increasing cysts in kidney. There is no cure for PKD, so in such a case, patients are more likely to die from cyst in kidney. However, for people who only have one or several small cysts in kidney, they can survive it easily.

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There is no cure for PKD, but believe in us and we can control it well.

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