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Does A Renal Cortical Cyst Cause High Blood Pressure

2014-09-22 03:33

Does A Renal Cortical Cyst Cause High Blood PressureDoes a renal cortical cyst cause high blood pressure? Cortical cyst refers to fluid collection in renal cortex, the outer part of kidney. It is common for people with cortical cyst to complain back pain, but is it normal for them to experience high blood pressure after the diagnosis of it?

Does a cortical cyst cause high blood pressure?

To be honest, cortical cyst in small size is harmless at all and it can be left alone if not enlarge over time. For patients who have severe back pain due to large cortical cyst, they can take surgery to cut cyst off kidney or take Chinese medicine to shrink cyst to a very small size. Cortical cyst is not deadly and also cause no other physical discomforts if managed well and timely.

High blood pressure refers to high impact on vascular wall, which is very common among our daily life. Temporary high blood pressure is not dangerous, but if high blood pressure is untreated and it keeps in a very high level, many dangerous health tissues like cardiovascular diseases will be caused. It is not common for people to suffer from high blood pressure due to cortical cyst, but in some rare cases, it indeed happens.

How is high blood pressure linked with cortical cyst?

Small renal cortical cyst is not dangerous at all and we need not to worry about it. However, if the cyst is very large in size or it enlarges over time, high blood pressure might be caused.

Kidney is an important organ with various functions like producing urine, keeping fluid balance, maintaining electrolyte balance, regulating blood pressure and secreting necessary hormone. Large cortical cyst may damage surrounding kidney tissues and thus impair kidney function. Under such a condition, kidneys fail to work properly and also it can not regulate blood pressure at all. High blood pressure might appear in such a case.

For people with renal cortical cyst and high blood pressure, they need to find out if these two problems are linked with each other and how they are related. This will help to prevent serious health tissues and dangerous medical conditions.

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