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How to Improve Life Expectancy with Kidney Failure Caused by PKD

2014-10-19 07:24

How to Improve Life Expectancy with Kidney Failure Caused by PKDPKD is an illness that is passed down from generation to generation. When illness develops to kidney failure stage, not only life quality is impaired severely, life span is also severely shortened. Well, does kidney failure mean death? How to improve life expectancy with kidney failure caused by PKD?

There is no cure for kidney failure and PKD, but there are indeed something we can do to improve life expectancy.

1. Tight control of all the symptoms

Kidney failure is the worst kidney condition which can cause many clinical manifestations like high blood pressure, proteinuria, high creatinine level in blood and electrolyte disturbance which usually presents like dizziness, tiredness, nausea, vomiting and muscle cramp. These physical discomforts affect life quality severely, so by bring them under control, life expectancy can be improved.

2. Improvement of kidney function

For kidney failure patients who still have urine output, there is great chance for them to improve kidney function. With good kidney function, we can live as well as did before and also they can live as longer as they should, so kidney failure patients should seize every chance to get their kidney function improved. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a Chinese medicine treatment that can help kidney failure patients improve kidney condition. 

3. A kidney-friendly diet

Actually, no matter for kidney failure patients, PKD patients or healthy people, a kidney-friendly diet is necessary. For kidney failure patients, exact diet plan should be made on the basis of exact kidney condition. (Send you test report to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com or describe your illness condition to us to get individual diet suggestions)

4. Good living habits

Bad living habits like staying up at night, drinking alcohol, smoking and being exhuasted are bad for health. They impair immune system and increase risk for infection and cold. For kidney failure patients, cold and infection are the leding two risk factors which may even deprive their life, so they need to avoid these bad living habits and try to strengthen immune system by having good life style and regular physical exercise.

Lastly, life expectancy for kidney failure patients differes from case to case due to different physical condition and illness condition. Therefore, if you wan to know how to help someone with kidney failure improve life expectancy, you can consult our online doctor for individual suggestions.

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