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Suggested Diet for Polycystic Kidney Disease

2015-01-21 06:54

Suggested Diet for Polycystic Kidney DiseaseWhat is the suggested diet for polycystic kidney disease (PKD)? Polycystic kidney disease, PKD, is a genetic kidney disease with multiple kidney cysts on kidneys, and the cysts will be increased and get enlarged over time, which will oppress the surrounding kidney tissues and cause kidney damage. All the PKD patients need to keep a well planed diet, and it can help reduce kidney burden and protect their kidneys.

Here are the suggested diet for polycystic kidney disease.

1. Eat the fruits and vegetables are low in fat and high in helpful antioxidants, which will be helpful for their illness condition. And the plant protein can help lower high blood pressure and slow the growth of kidney cysts.

2. Patients are also recommended to take foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help prevent inflammations and slow the progression of PKD. And the high omega-3 fatty acid foods include flaxseed, walnuts. Pecans, etc.

3. PKD patients also need to take the high fiber foods, which can help regulate the blood sugar in PKD and protect their kidneys and heart.

4. Take some high potassium foods. For PKD patients, if they don’t have any kidney damage, they are suggested to take some high potassium foods, such as banana, apple, mango, raisins, pears, oranges, etc, which can help lower high blood pressure and protect their heart.

Here are also some diet should avoided for PKD patients.

1. Avoid the high animal protein intake. Since too much animal protein intake will increase kidney burden and cause further kidney damage, so patients need to avoid the foods high in animal protein.

2. Take more water. PKD patients should drink more water instead of drinking coffee or other teas. Because the coffee and tea intake will increase kidney burden. But water intake can help remove the toxins and wastes out into urine, which will be helpful for their illness condition.

3. Avoid alcohol intake. The alcohol intake will stimulate the enlargement of kidney cysts, so patients need to stop drinking alcohol.

Above are the suggested diet for PKD patients, and we hope this will be helpful for them. If you still have any questions after reading, you can ask online doctor, or you can also leave a message below. We will contact you soon.

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