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What Diet Can Be Given To People With Hypertension From PKD

2015-03-20 03:30

What Diet Can Be Given To People With Hypertension From PKDHigh blood pressure is a common complication in polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Foods and drinks are the topics cared about by PKD patients. A reasonable diet is good for lowering blood pressure and other complications from PKD. Well, what diet can be given to people with hypertension from PKD?

Dietary changes for high blood pressure

Making dietary changes in what you eat can help to control high blood pressure.

Reduce sodium intake

Reducing the amount of sodium you consume can lower blood pressure if you have high or borderline high blood pressure. The body requires a small amount of sodium in the diet. However, most people consume more sodium than they need. High sodium foods are often found in packaged and processed foods and in foods from restaurants.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Eating a vegetarian helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and protect against developing hypertension. It may not be necessary to follow a strict vegetarian diet. Eating more fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products may also lower blood pressure.

More fiber intake

Eating an increased amount of fiber may decrease blood pressure. The recommended fiber intake is 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day.

Eating more fish

Eating more fish helps lower blood pressure so PKD patients can eat relatively more fish.

Avoid alcohol

Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol increases your risk of high blood pressure. People who have more than two drinks per day have an increased risk of hypertension compared to nondrinkers.


Some herbs are helpful for lowering blood pressure such as parsley, saffron hibiscus, asparagus, chamomile, grapeseed extract and borage. Email to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com if you experience high blood pressure from PKD.

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