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How Bad Are Creatine supplements for PKD Patients

2015-08-27 03:10

How Bad Are Creatine supplements for PKD PatientsPeople who love fitness may take some creatine supplements in daily life to help strength muscles. However, can patients with PKD take creatine supplements?

Creatine metabolizes in body, producing creatinine in the end. Excessive creatinine is eliminated from body through urine with kidney filtering. For patients with PKD, kidney cyst can grows and enlarges gradually, making tissues and organs surrounded get impaired. Kidney function will decrease in the long term. In this way, kidney has difficulty removing creatinine from body through urine. Thus, creatinine level can elevate. High creatinine level makes blood vessels blocked, affecting blood circulation. Thus, patients with PKD are not recommended to eat creatine supplements in daily life, because creatinine is created more with creatine intake, putting much pressure on kidney and worsening kidney function. What is worse, it is proved that creatine can promoted growth of kidney cyst, deteriorating PKD condition.

Hence, taking creatine supplements is very harmful for patients with PKD. Besides, they should eat less food which contain much creatine. It is very common that patients with PKD have high creatinine level because of decreased kidney function and damaged kidney. Chinese medicine is very good for lowering high creatinine level, which can promote blood circulation, expanding blood vessels, repairing kidney damage and preventing inflammation. With several periods of Chinese medicine, kidney is improved, making excessive creatinine removed from body through urine.

Apart from creatine supplements, patients with PKD should also avoid high phosphorus, high potassium, high salt food. If there is swelling, water must be controlled strictly. If you have any doubt or need more information, welcome to leave a message or contact online doctor anytime. Reply will be given very soon.

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