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Can I Eat Beet If I Have PKD

2016-01-13 06:32

Can I Eat Beet If I Have PKD Can I eat beet if I have PKD? Before we answer the question, we should have a general knowledge of beet and its effects in detail. In this way, you can have a very clear and satisfied answer.

Beet contains high potassium, low sodium, high calcium, high carbohydrates, and some other elements like iron, phosphorus and protein, vitamins.

Good effects of beets on health:

1. promotion of bone growth

2. prevent anemia and help digestion

3. alleviate constipation

4. regulate blood pressure

5. prevent cancer

For patients with PKD, they should eat low sodium and low fat food, so beet is very good for patients with PKD. They are suggested to have some in meals. However, for those who have developed kidney failure, they should have a low potassium, protein, low phosphorus diet. Beet has high potassium, and high carbohydrates. In this case, PKD patients with kidney failure should avoid beet in diet.

In a word, apart from beet, whether some food can be eaten for you depends on your detailed conditions. If you have any question about diet or kidney disease, you can consult us by leaving a message or contacting online doctor anytime. We will reply you very fast.

Besides, patients with PKD should control kidney cysts with effective treatment, and Chinese medicine is a good option, which shrinks kidney cysts from the root by inhibiting secretion of cyst fluids. In this way, cysts will be shrunk very effectively. Kidney failure can be prevented well. Kidney condition will be improved to remove wastes and toxins from body.

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