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What Precautions Should A Person Take In Case of PKD

2015-03-09 06:39

What Precautions Should A Person Take In Case of PKDPKD, Shorted of polycystic kidney disease, is well known as a genetic kidney disease with multiple cysts on kidneys, and the cysts will be increased and get enlarged over time. Once there is a family member got PKD, their sons or daughters will have 50% chances to get this disease. And PKD will finally develop into end stage kidney failure without effective treatment. Then what precautions should a person take in case of PKD to slow down their progression?

1. Healthy Diet

- Low salt intake. It can help relieve the swelling and high blood pressure in PKD.

- Take proper amount of high quality protein. It can help reduce the kidney burden and satisfy the body needs. The common high quality protein include egg whites, lean meat, milk, fish, etc.

- Taking more water to prevent UTI (for PKD patients who don’t have severe swelling and hypertension).

- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

2. Physical exercises

- PKD patients can take proper or moderate exercises with their disease, which can help build their immune system. The suggested activities include walking, swimming and Tai Chi, etc.

- Prevent strenuous exercises, and it can help prevent cyst rupture and avoid further kidney damage.

3. Mental care

Keep a positive and optimistic mind is very important for PKD patients, which can help slow down their progression.

4. Medical treatment

The most important thing for PKD patients is taking medical treatment, which can help slow down their progression and make a good prognosis for them.

Western medicine:

- ACEI, ARBs to control the high blood pressure

- Diuretics to control the swelling

- Antibiotics, remedy infections

Chinese medicine treatment

- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, shrink kidney cysts and improve kidney function.

- Foot Bath Therapy, increase the blood circulation and remove the wastes out into urine.

- Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy

- Maikang Mixture

Above are the precautions for PKD patients, and we hope this will be beneficial for their illness condition. If you still have any questions after reading, you can consult online doctor, or you can also leave a message below.

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Successful cases of PKD

There is no cure for PKD, but believe in us and we can control it well.

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