High Creatinine Dialysis BUN
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Common Questions PKD Patients Have

2015-09-27 02:54

Common Questions PKD Patients Have If you are diagnosed with PKD, you need to know the basics of PKD patients should pay attention to when getting treated. Please see the following:

1. choose a hospital or nephrologist.

Does the hospital treat PKD patients before?

Do you have pediatric nephrologist?

Do you offer nutrition counseling?

Is dialysis or kidney transplant service available?

Apart from PKD, can hypertension, other kidney diseases or diabetes be treated here?

2. frequency of seeing doctors

How long should I go to see doctors after seeing one? This is not sure, because it depends on conditions of individuals. In general, it is suggested to measure blood pressure and proteinuria at least one year a time.

3. gene test

Need I do gene test or do my family need?

4. kidney function

In general, GFR and creatinine test are widely used to see how well kidney works.

Creatinine level for healthy people ranges from 0.5-1.2 mg/dL. GFR is about 100milililiter/min. If number is higher than normal creatinine or lower than GFR, it may indicate that your kidney has something wrong, leading to decrease of kidney function.

5. signs of kidney failure

Kidney failure may be resulted in for PKD patients. The below are leading symptoms of kidney failure:

Weakness, bad appetite, nausea and vomiting, skin problems, muscle cramps, swelling, high blood pressure.

6. how to protect my kidney in life?

A good daily diet and lifestyle is necessary. High blood pressure and high sugar level and high cholesterol should be controlled well.

7. what medicines are harmful to me?

Medicines doing harm to kidney and blood pressure are very bad and need to be avoided in life.

Do not take any one by yourself decision, and you should consult your doctors first.

8. can I do exercise or sports in life?

It is necessary for people who are just diagnosed with PKD to have a general understanding of the above questions. More or any question, welcome to leave a message or contact online doctors anytime. Reply will be given fastest for you.

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Successful cases of PKD

There is no cure for PKD, but believe in us and we can control it well.

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