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How to Cope with PKD

2014-05-16 08:35

How to Cope with PKDIf you are diagnosed with PKD, do not lose hope. Though it can not be cured, you can still live a normal life. How to cope with PKD? The following things may help you.

Make a renal-friendly diet plan

Diet is an important part of daily life. It does not only provide essential nutrients for your body, but also helps control some symptoms. For example, low sodium diet helps reduce blood pressure, low protein diet helps control proteinuria and lower blood urea nitrogen. In the early stage of PKD, there is no kidney function damage, drinking plenty of water is helpful in slowing down the growth of cysts and proper intake of food high in potassium helps control blood pressure. Therefore, you should make a renal-friendly diet plan under the instruction of your dietitian.

Make a renal-friendly exercise plan

Exercise is a good way to boost immune system and helps you fight against kidney disease. But you should know what exercise is suitable for your medical condition. Considering that the kidney cysts may rupture under the action of force, you should avoid strenuous activity. Some gentle exercises are recommended, such as walking, tai chi, qi gong, and so on. Moreover, you should take frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise into consideration.

Make an appropriate treatment plan

Conventional treatment is to take medicine to control your symptoms rather than stop the growth of cysts. But they can also control your disease to certain extent.

If you would like to shrink the cysts and protect kidney function, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy may be helpful. It can also restrain the secretion of cyst fluid. It can also stop the enlargement of cyst. Besides, it can increase the permeability of cyst wall and improve blood microcirculation in the cyst wall so that cyst fluid can be reabsorbed and discharged with blood circulation. In this way, your kidney cysts become small.

If you have any doubt in the above information, you can contact online doctor.

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