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Can I Do Yoga with PKD

2014-09-10 08:29

Can I Do Yoga with PKDCan I do Yoga with PKD? This is a question posed by a lady who is newly diagnosed with polycystic kidney. As a health-beneficial exercise, yoga becomes more and more popular among young people, especially young lady. However, due to some special condition, some people may not allowed to do yoga. Well, can PKD patients do yoga or not?

Yoga is very health-beneficial. For PKD patients, they can get the following benefits from yoga:

1. Yoga can help to lower blood pressure

PKD is marked by countless cysts in kidney. Kidney function will be impaired when kidney cysts are very large. One of the jobs of kidney is to regulate blood pressure, so PKD patients run high risk for high blood pressure. Persistent high blood pressure accelerates illness progression, so tight control of blood pressure is very important. Yoga has long been known to lower blood pressre and slow the heart rate. Therefore, doing yoga regularly helps to slow down PKD progression.

2. Strengthen immune system

Yoga is a physical exercise, which can help to strengthen immune system. A strong and healthy immune system is the basic for us to prevent various illness like infection. Infection is the number one risk factor of PKD and patients may suffer from acute kidney failure due to kidney infection. By doing yoga and strengthening immune system, this risk can be lowered down greatly.

3. Yoga helps to reduce mental stress

It is normal for PKD patients to feel depressed or frustrated. By doing some yoga, PKD patients may feel less stressed and more relaxed.

Yoga is helpful for PKD patients in some way, but this does not mean PKD can do yoga freely. There are some poses in yoga that need PKD patients to twist their waist. For these poses are not recommended as they may cause rupture of kidney cyst.

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