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What Causes Headache for PKD Patients

2014-03-20 09:13

Headache with PKD: Causes and TreatmentPKD can cause a series of symptoms, such as high blood pressure, blood urine, back pain, swollen belly, etc. Headache is also common among PKD patients. What causes headache?

High blood pressure

High blood pressure may be the main contributor to headache. The growing cysts oppress the blood vessels, resulting in less blood supply. To increase the blood supply, the body will increase blood pressure. In this case, lowering blood pressure helps alleviate headache. ARBs and ACE inhibitors are the common drugs to control blood pressure.

Cerebral aneurysm

Headache may also associated with cerebral aneurysm, which is one of the complications of PKD. In this case, you should go to see your doctor and try to shrink the aneurysm. If the aneurysm is big, surgery may be needed.


PKD can impair kidney function so as to affect the secretion of EPO and lead to renal anemia, which is also a reason of headache. In this case, EPD and iron supplements may be needed to improve anemia.

Side effects of medicine

Headache may a side effect of some anti-hypertension medications. In this case, you may talk with your doctor to change your medicine.

Headache is just one of the symptoms of PKD. Only controlling all the symptoms can you slow the progression to kidney failure. As a natural remedy, Traditional Chinese Medicine may be a good choice. There are oral Chinese medicine and external Chinese medicine. Both of them can dilate the blood vessels to lower blood pressure. They can also cleanse wastes and toxins from the blood to recover the blood circulation and improve anemia. Besides, they can shrink the cysts and reduce their damage to kidneys. With the improvement of your kidney function, not only headache but also high blood pressure and anemia all disappear. You can contact our online doctors to have a more detailed information.

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