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Why Does Hematuria Occurs In PKD Patients

2015-03-25 11:57

Why Does Hematuria Occurs In PKD PatientsSome polycystic kidney disease (PKD) experience hematuria. Well, why does hematuria occur in PKD patients? Most patients all have this doubt. As for the reason of blood in urine, experts in Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will explain the reason to you.

What is the reason of blood in urine?

Blood in urine is because kidneys have micro-circulation blockage, causing renal ischemia and anoxia. This leads to damaged kidney intrinsic cells and cause renal fibrosis. Renal fibrosis will worsen kidney intrinsic cells, which makes kidney filtration function decline. It cannot block the leakage of red blood cells so hematuria will occur.

How to treat hematuria in PKD?

The essential treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease is to block the progression of renal fibrosis, repair damaged kidney intrinsic cells and protect residual kidney function. This achieves the purpose of inhibiting the enlargement of kidney cysts and putting off uremia.

In our hospital, we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD. The active ingredients can improve micro-circulation of cystic wall and increase the reabsorption to cystic fluid, inhibit the secretion of cystic fluid. In this way, cysts can be shrunk gradually so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the oppression on kidneys.

Traditional surgery for kidney cysts is very harmful. Besides, it only removes large kidney cysts. Small cysts will grow very quickly, forming a vicious circle. Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital applies unique Chinese medicine treatment-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD, and it has achieved an obvious clinical effect.

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