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What Are Complications of PKD

2015-09-26 03:41

What Are Complications of PKDPKD shows that numerous cysts grow in kidney, and cyst can enlarge, damaging other parts in body. In addition, complications can be resulted in by PKD. Here we will mostly introduce complications of PKD for you.

Apart from kidney, PKD can also has very bad effects on liver, spleen, pancreas, vasculature, testes, seminal vesicles and intestines. Now please see details:

1. liver cyst

PKD patients are at risk of developing liver cyst as age of patients becomes old. In addition, female patients with pregnancy are at higher risk of liver cyst.

2. cardiovascular problems

Cardiovascular problems can also be resulted in by PKD. Kidney cyst can lead to high blood pressure in the long term. Blood circulation is affected seriously in this situation. Heart will be affected, too. Stroke and heart attack may happen if not managed well.

3. intracranial aneurysms

According to research, PKD patients has the 5-10% chance of getting intracranial aneurysm. intracranial aneurysm is very dangerous, and can cause strong headache, pain, nausea and vomiting.

4. gastrointestinal problems

Diverticulosis is very common to happen, which is a kind of gastrointestinal diseases. Bad appetite may appear on PKD patients in daily life, too.

The above are most common complications PKD can lead to. Hence, patients with PKD should pay high attention to take care of selves and PKD to prevent complications. Shrinking kidney cyst is the point. Chinese medicine can inhibit inner cells from secreting cyst fluids and enhance permeability of cyst walls to let fluids flow out easily. In this way, kidney cyst gets shrunk very effectively. Besides, diet need also be taken notice of in life. More information or any question, welco0me to leave a message or contact online doctors anytime. Reply will be given very soon.

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