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Will PKD Cause Constipation

2014-07-23 09:24

Will PKD Cause ConstipationPKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is a kidney disorder that cause formation of cysts in kidney. With progression of illness, kidney function keeps decline and finally dialysis or kidney transplant is required. Since PKD is an illness regarding kidney, that why many PKD patients complain constipation? Is there any relationship between them?

Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. It is a common cause of painful defecation. For PKD patients, they run high risk for constipation because of the following several factors:

1. Enlarged kidney affects bowel movement

In cases of PKD, with the increase and enlargement of cyst, kidneys enlarge as well. Each of us have two kidneys and they are located in the abdominal cavity, more specifically in the paravertebral gutter and lie in a retroperitoneal position at a slightly oblique angle. When two kidneys become very large, they may occupy the whole enterocoelia. Enlarged kidney oppress intestines and stomach, which may affect bowel movement and increase risk for constipation.

2. Strict diet limitation

PKD affects kidney function and when kidney function is impaired, PKD patients need to make diet changes and try to avoid foods that are harmful for kidney. In general, PKD patients need to limit high potassium foods, high phosphorus foods, high-protein foods and high-sodium foods. Therefore, very few fruits and vegetables are available for PKD patients. For this reason, patients may ingest less fiber every day. Low-fiber diet also contributes to constipation.

3. Limitation of fluid intake

If PKD patients has fluid retention, they also need to limit fluid, so as to avoid further worsening of this condition. This also plays a part for the occurrence of constipation.

In a word, although PKD is a problem regarding kidney, it may affect any part of our body. Constipation is just a discomfort about gastrointestinal tract and apart from it, patients also run risk for many other symptoms like back pain, nausea, vomiting and skin itching. To get all of these discomforts alleviated permanently, treatment for PKD is very necessary.

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