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What Are the Symptoms of PKD in Woman

2014-08-11 01:56

What are the symptoms of PKD in woman? PKD is a genetic kidney disorder which not only affects male, but also female. PKD in early stage causes no obvious physical discomforts, but when it develops to advanced stage, various symptoms will appear. Well, what are the symptoms that woman with PKD may experience?

1. Frequent urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is a common complain among PKD patients. Due to the special physiological structure, women are more likely to suffer from urinary traction infection which is usually accompanied with frequent urination, urgent urination and painful feeling during urination.

2. Lower back pain

Kidney is located in the lower back. When cysts in PKD become very large, they will pull renal capsule where there are nerves. At that time, pain feeling in kidney location appears and this is always described as lower back pain.

3. Menstrual disorder

Menstrual disorder is another symptom or problem that woman with PKD may experience and it usually presents as menelipsis. Menstrual disorder appears easily when illness develops to advanced stage and by proper treatment, it can be treated well.

4. Blood urine

Actually blood urine not only appears in women with PKD, but also in men. Visible blood urine is usually associated with rupture of kidney cyst which occurs easily when kidney cyst becomes very large. Kidney infection and peritonitis should be concerned in such a case.

5. Enlargement of abdomen

With the increase and enlargement of kidney cyst, kidney becomes very large in size. When it increases to a certain size, it will occupy the whole enterocoelia, leading to enlargement of abdomen.

Lastly, although PKD is a problem regarding kidney, but when it develops to kidney failure stage, many other organs or systems will be involved. Therefore, apart from symptoms we mentioned above, woman with PKD also run certain risk for many other symptoms like bone problem, skin problem and gastrointestinal discomforts and so on.

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