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Does Fenugreek Help Treat PKD

2014-04-15 01:01

Does Fenugreek Help Treat PKDFenugreek is a herb which is used for many conditions. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, fenugreek is a tonic to kidneys. Does fenugreek help treat PKD?

Nutrition value of fenugreek

Fenugreek is high in various vitamins, sich as thiamin, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins A, B6, C and K. Besides, it is a storehouse of minerals such as copper, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium.

Health benefits of fenugreek

-The various vitamins can help you improve immune system so as to protect you from aliments like cold and infection. And it can also help you fight with PKD.

-Kidney pain is a common symptom of PKD. Fenugreek is anti-inflammation, which can reduce pain to certain extent.

-Kidney stone is also very common among PKD patients. Fenugreek may protect against the development of kidney stones.

-Fenugreek is also useful in balancing cholesterol level and preventing hardening of the arteries, which reduce your risk of heart disease.

-The minerals in fenugreek seeds can also help PKD patients. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure by countering action on sodium. Iron is essential for red blood cell production. Calcium and copper is good for bone health.

-Fenugreek helps flush out harmful toxins. It relieves indigestion and helps treat constipation.

Fenugreek is considered to be safe when used moderately. Improper use of fenugreek can cause nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, skin irritations and so on. Therefore, if you would like to use fenugreek to treat your PKD, you had better consult your doctor.

In China, we have other herbs which are beneficial for PKD patients. They can not only help shrink kidney cysts, but also protect kidney function so that you can live a normal life. With the help of online doctor, you can learn more corresponding information.

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