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How to Treat GFR 16 with PKD

2016-06-14 10:43

PKD patients with GFR 16 need effective treatments for improving kidney function. Here we introduce the very good option for achieving recovery of kidney function, which is a special one inPeking Tung Shin Tang Chinese Medical Hospital, China.

The patient with GFR 16 is an indication of stage 4 kidney disease in which most of the kidney function may disappear. As to polycystic kidney disease patients, as the growth of cysts a lot of clinical symptoms like infections, blood in urine, renal stone and so on will happen. If these occur, patients may also suffer from enlarged kidney. Thus, it is very important and necessary for patients with GFR to get treated effectively and well in life.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

With the osmotic equipment, the Micro-Chinese medicine can promoting the blood circulation and changed the pressure difference between internal and external of the cysts. Thus the fluid in the cysts will flow out into the urine and then excrete with the urine. Also, the Micro-Chinese medicine can help restrain the cystic epithelial cells to secrete the cystic fluid and avid the relapse of kidney disease. Through shrinking cysts naturally, kidney function also can get well improvement from the root. Hence, Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, which is one of Chinese medicine treatment in our hospital, can be making patients with PKD GFR 16 get treated well to prevent further damage.

Kidney function will be under recovery by the time with Chinese medicine treatment, in addition, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Acupuncture Therapy, Circle Therapy are also used widely to treat kidney disease in clinic.

Finally, for patients with PKD and GFR 16, Chinese medicine can help you get the best results to prevent dialysis very well. If you have any question or need any help, leave a message for us or contact our online doctors anytime, reply will be given for you very fast in detail.

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