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How to Reduce Growth of PKD Kidney Cysts

2016-07-13 08:48

PKD is characterized with numerous kidney cysts. If all kidney cysts are kept in small size, patients don’t have any discomfort. However, if one of them is bigger than 3cm, high blood pressure, back pain, and can happen. How to reduce kidney cyst for PKD patients.

correct foods can slow down their growth, but wrong foods will speed up their growth rate. It is reported that caffeine-containing foods, spicy foods and beer should be avoided by patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. With the expansion of kidney cysts, they will be at a high risk of rupture. Strenuous exercise, stretching or bending actions may cause kidney cysts to rupture easily, which should be avoided well in life. If patients can still produce urine normally, they are suggested to drink more water and cranberry juice. These drinks can help flush the body and prevent urinary tract infection.

Chinese medicine is best way to treat kidney cysts for PKD, which can shrink kidney cyst from root very effectively by preventing secreting cyst fluids and enhancing permeability of cyst walls. Kidney can be improved very well in this case. Be free to contact us with any question or doubt.

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