High Creatinine Dialysis BUN
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How to Help PKD Patients Who Have Creatinine 5.9 Avoid Dialysis

2016-11-26 06:06

How to Help PKD Patients Who Have Creatinine 5.9 Avoid DialysisToday, there is a message on my website from a patients. He said that what he has PKD(Polycystic Kidney Disease) and what does creatinine 5.9 mean for him. How can he avoid dialysis. As we all know, PKD is a genetic disease and it characterized by large numbers of cysts on kidneys. When kidney function is impaired badly, creatinine level goes up very quickly and patient will suffer from kidney failure in the end. Thus, how can patients avoid this problem?

For most of kidney disease patients, PKD is regard as one of the most difficult disease because of its feature. As a genetic kidney disease, it will appear to patients since they were born with out any obvious symptoms. With the time goes by, some symptoms will come up to them because of the enlarged cysts. Then, the disease will out of control and make the kidney function become more and more worse.

Usually, many PKD patients who have stepped into the stage of kidney failure will be suggested to take dialysis. Because it cab help to reduce the creatinine level immediately. However, the treatment have too many comfortable side effects such as nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and so on. For these reasons, most of patients do not want to take dialysis treatment and they all looking for a substituted treatment.

For solving this problem for PKD patients.Peking Tung Shin Tang Chinese Medical Hospitalfind out an effective way to treat kidney disease. With its characteristic Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, we can help patients to clean up the toxins and wastes in blood to stop they impairing kidney. After that, the cysts on kidney will stop growing. Another effect of Chinese medicine is shrink the cysts, when these cysts on kidney become more and more small, the tissues and cells around the kidney will be repaired and kidney function can get recover soon. With a better kidney function creatinine can be reduced quickly. And then, PKD patients will not worry about step into kidney failure and dialysis any more.

A proper treatment is more important than everything for patients, if you want to know more about PKD or Chinese medicine treatment, please leave a message below or contact with our online doctor, we will reply you timely.

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