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How to Achieve Normal Functioning Kidneys Again for PKD Patients

2014-05-01 08:02

How to Achieve Normal Functioning Kidneys Again for PKD PatientsPKD can impair your kidney function and cause many discomforts. How to achieve normal functioning kidneys again for PKD patients?

Treatment for PKD patients

PKD is characterized by fluid-filled cysts. These cysts are destructive. They can make your kidneys bigger and bigger and your kidney function decline. If your would like to achieve normal functioning kidneys, you should stop the cysts from growing.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a breakthrough in treating PKD. It can dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation on cyst walls and improve the permeability of the cysts so that cyst fluid can be discharged out with the blood circulation. Besides, this treatment can restrain the proliferation of renal tubule epithelial cells and the secretion so that your kidney cysts gradually become small.

In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can protect your kidney function by inhibiting kidney inflammation, blocking blood clotting, degrading extracellular matrix and providing essential substances for kidney repair.

Healthy lifestyle for PKD patients

Besides the treatment, you should pay attention to your lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle also plays an important role in slowing down the progression to kidney failure. In diet, you should follow a low sodium diet to control high blood pressure, a low protein diet to control BUN and creatinine level and high vitamins diet to boost your immune system. In exercise, you should do some gentle exercise, such as walking, tai chi and qi gong. They can help you alleviate some symptoms, such as fatigue, back pain and poor appetite. Moreover, you should give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

If your kidneys are just in a state of inflammation, the above things can help you achieve normal functioning kidneys again. But if your kidneys totally lose their function, the above can prevent further deterioration and help you live a better life. If you would like to acquire a personalized treatment plan, please contact online doctor or leave a message below.

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Successful cases of PKD

There is no cure for PKD, but believe in us and we can control it well.

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