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How to Prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease with PKD Gene

2014-06-08 02:02

How to Prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease with PKD GeneAs we know, polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic kidney disease. When there is one member have PKD in a family, there is a great chance for the next generation to get the same disease. When people have PKD gene, they may need to pay attention to this disease. If you are fortunately not affected by it, then you can have certain preventions to get rid of PKD. Then how to prevent polycystic kidney disease with PKD gene?

In fact, there are two preconditions for PKD patients to get this disease: 1, there is PKD gene in patients’ body. 2, there is risk factors that can trigger PKD. So people need to pay attention to the two preconditions, and have early preventions, which can help make a good prognosis for them.

Here are the preventions that people need to pay attention to if they have PKD gene.

1. Keep a healthy eating habits

If people have PKD gene, they may need to pay attention to their eating habits, and they need to keep a healthy one. They need to limit the fat, salt and protein intake in their daily life. And they are also recommended to take some fresh fruits and vegetables in their daily life, which can help supply enough nutrition for them.

2. Take proper exercises and strengthen the immune system

People should also do proper exercises in their daily life, which can help strengthen the immune system, and this can help prevent the cold and possible infections. Besides, it can also help regulate the blood pressure, which is a common cause of kidney disease. All these can help prevent the occurrence of PKD.

3. Have regular checkups in hospital

If people have PKD gene, they also need to have regular checkups into hospital, which can help observe their illness condition timely. And this can help them have early treatment to prevent kidney failure. In most cases of PKD, people often find their PKD when they have some severe symptoms. In that condition, their illness condition may have been got serious, which will make a bad prognosis for them.

4. Be aware of the PKD symptom

For PKD patients, they often have some severe symptoms, such as back pain, foamy urine, blood urine, high blood pressure, etc, all these symptoms will tell that their PKD has been progressed. So people with PKD gene need to pay attention to their discomforts, which can help tell whether their PKD has been occurred.

Above are the preventions that PKD gene people need to pay attention to in their daily life, which can help make a good prognosis for them. If you still have some questions, you can contact with our experts online, they will help you freely.

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