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A California Lady Came To China For Her PKD Cure

2014-09-22 03:48

A California Lady Came To China For Her PKD CureMore and more patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) get recovered in China. The following is another successful case of PKD cure.

An introduction from Karen

I am Karen, from South California. I have polycystic kidney disease or PKD as we call it. I’ve known about this for about the last twelve years and only in the last six months I find out that I was almost stage five kidney failure. So this causes me to start researching what was available for polycystic kidneys and what kind of treatment was available. And what I found out was there really in the US, there is no real treatment for it. You just wait until your certain blood levels get really bad and then finally you get a transplant or you go on dialysis. So and there is no other treatment available from anywhere else. Therefore, I spend a lot of time researching on that and I finally emailed the pkdtreatment169@gmail.com and started dialogue with one of the marketing representatives. And I received a lot of information but not a lot of real detailed information. A lot of information and estimated of what it is gonna cost, what the treatment detailed and also in the website. And finally I decided to take to my family and friends. Finally I decided that I really did not have anything to lose. I do not really feel that bad but my numbers are very bad. And I want some kind of alternative to having dialysis or a transplant. So that is why I finally reach the decision that “ok, I am gonna go to China”. The treatment is less than a month. They estimated that I would last for a month. So that is how I came to Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.


The treatment as I said was very good. The osmotherapy was done in your room and it is three times a day. But you get use to you have one in the morning and one in the middle. You kinda get used to the schedule. And everybody is doing it. Almost everyone has osmotherapy.

A nice experience with challenging

I call it a nice experience but very challenging experience. And you really have to keep thinking about the fact that no one else is doing this. We have no alternatives especially if you have PKD and we all usually feel fine for a long time. It depends on what age you are and when it really kicks in. And then you realize that you have no options but a transplant. So it has been a good experience. There is a big learning curve and lots of frustration. But like I said, just have to keep going, keep good attitude and remember why you are here

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