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What Foods You Can Eat To Shrink A Cyst On Your Kidneys

2014-11-22 08:19

What Foods You Can Eat To Shrink A Cyst On Your KidneysMore and more people are suffering from kidney cysts. It seems that it is difficult to control the condition and the patients are worried about their disease. Actually, a good diet is able to shrink kidney cyst effectively. Well, what foods can you eat to shrink kidney cyst?

Since the metabolic ability of kidney disease patients has declined, the diet for kidney cyst should limit the intake of protein and greasy food. In addition, salted foods, spicy foods and putrefaction foods also should be avoided. Because diseased kidneys usually lead to swelling, so many patients will restrict the water intake strictly. Although there is a decline of kidney’s concentration ability, if patients have no obvious edema, congestive heart failure and high blood pressure, they should not limit water intake blindly. This is because if you limit water intake strictly, it will worsen kidney function. Salt intake should depend on patients’ medical conditions. Not every kidney cyst patient need to restrict sodium intake.

The following are some tips which kidney cyst patients should focus on.

1. Improper diet

There is a requirement of how much kidney cyst can eat. Eating too much or too little both are bad for your body health.

2. The food born-disease

The food born-disease can cause gastrointestinal disease and even threaten your life.

3. Low sodium and low fat diet

Kidney cyst patients should not eat mutton, beef and animal organs as well as spicy foods. On the contrary, they should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. More importantly, patients is recommended to do regular check ups for kidney function.

4. Avoid strenuous exercise and abdominal trauma

When kidney cyst is enlarged, you should not belt too tight so as to prevent kidney cyst burst.

Diet is very important for the treatment of kidney cyst. If you want to get your individualized diet, you can leave us a message to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com or leave us a message below.

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