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Can Kidney Cyst Patients Drink Milo

2014-12-29 17:12

Can Kidney Cyst Patients Drink MiloMilo is a chocolate and malt powder which is mixed with hot or cold water or milk to produce a beverage popular in many parts of the world. Milo drink contains 6 vitamins and minerals. Most people enjoy drinking this beverage. However, is Milo healthy? Can kidney cyst patients drink Milo?

The answer to this question is uncertainty. If kidney cyst patients drink Milo moderately and properly, they can get the following health benefits:

1. good for bones

Bone problem is a common symptom in kidney cyst. To alleviate this problem, diet plays an important role. In this case, renal cyst patients can drink milo. This is because calcium and magnesium are essential for our bones.

2. iron

With time going on, kidney cyst will grow bigger and bigger. This will oppress kidney tissues and causing kidney damage. When kidney is damaged, it cannot produce enough red blood cells. Under this circumstance, people are prone to experience anemia. People with anemia will experience fatigue, weakness, headache and dizziness. Milo is rich in iron, which helps blood cells carry oxygen. This can alleviate anemia and hypoxic state of kidneys.

3. protein

Every part of our body needs protein. Protein also provides amino acids part of a healthy diet. Kidney cyst patients can drink milo beverage to meet their body need according to their own medical conditions.

Milo beverage also contains caffeine in the cocoa beans, so kidney cyst patients should not drink milo too much. Otherwise, caffeine in the cocoa beans in milo can interfere with the proper absorption of nutrients like iron and calcium. Therefore, if you want to know how much milo you can drink, you can consult our online doctor or leave a message to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com.

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