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What Foods Help Shrink Kidney Cyst

2015-02-25 05:57

What Foods Help Shrink Kidney CystA scientific diet may slow down or even shrink kidney cyst. So many people want to know what foods are good for kidney cyst. Here we will introduce you some healthy foods for cysts on kidney.

A low sodium diet

Enlarged kidneys will damage kidneys. Healthy kidneys help remove excess fluid from the body but with damaged kidneys fluid builds up in the body, leading to high blood pressure and swelling. A low sodium diet is necessary when kidney cysts cause symptoms of kidney failure. If you eat high sodium foods when your kidneys are not functioning properly, your body will retain more fluid, which is able to worsen your hypertension and swelling. Therefore, kidney cyst patients should avoid high sodium foods such as canned foods, table salt, seafood and cured meat.

Eat less protein

Too much protein can make your kidneys work too hard. Eating less protein helps slow down the progression of loss of kidney function and also prevent the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. When your kidneys are damaged by enlarged cysts, they are unable to remove protein by-products from the body, which leads to accumulation of toxic substances. Protein-rich foods include meat, fish, eggs, chicken, turkey and cheese as well as cream.


Drink ample of water shuts down vasopressin, a trigger for cyst growth. We will have to await clinical trials to prove or disprove if in human cyst growth will be diminished.

Avoid caffeine

Avoid caffeine in all its forms. This triggers cyst growth. Maintain a consistently low blood pressure.

Increase kidney blood flow

Exercise and rest increases kidney blood flow. Lay supine raises kidney blood flow as well as certain blood pressure lowering medications.

The above are some suggestion for kidney cyst. However, they do not suit for all patients. If you want to get your own diet suggestion, you can leave a message to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

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