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Top 6 Common Symptoms in Kidney Cyst

2014-12-15 02:57

Top 6 Common Symptoms in Kidney Cyst

Kidney cyst is a common kidney disease for people older than 50 years old. When patients suffer from kidney cysts, they may have some severe symptoms. And they need to have effective treatment to help control the symptoms, which can help make a good prognosis for them. Then what are the common symptoms for kidney cyst patients?

Here are the top 6 common symptoms in kidney cyst.

1. Abdominal mass

This the most common reason that kidney cyst patients come to see a doctor. About 60%-80% patients can feel the harden masses in their kidneys area. Because the kidney cysts will be increased and get enlarged, which will cause enlargement of kidneys.

2. Protein in urine

Protein in urine is not the same as nephrotic syndrome patients, patients will have a less amount of loss of protein in urine, which is less than 2 g/24h.

3. Reduced kidney function

The enlarged kidney cysts will oppress the surrounding kidney tissues and cause kidney damage, so patients will have reduced kidney function.

4. Back pain or abdominal pain

Kidney cyst patients will suffer from back pain with the enlargement of kidney cysts. And the kidney cyst rupture or infections in kidneys can also cause back pain or abdominal pain.

5. Blood in urine

Since the enlargement of kidney cysts will cause kidney damage, so patients can have blood in urine. And the kidney cyst rupture can also cause blood in urine.

6. High blood pressure

Above 50% kidney cyst patients will have high blood pressure, which is mainly caused by kidney damage. When kidneys are damaged, it will produce more renin, which will cause elevated blood pressure.

Above are the top 6 common symptoms for kidney cysts patients. When patients have these symptoms, they need to have early treatment, which can help slow down their progression. If you still have any questions, you can ask online doctor, or you can also send e-mail to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com.

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