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Will Kidney Cyst Affect Your Sexual Life

2015-04-08 08:37

Will Kidney Cyst Affect Your Sexual LifeKidney cyst patients are afraid of having sex because they think sexual life will affect their treatment, worsen their medical condition and damage kidney function. Is this correct? Does kidney cyst affect sexual life?

Yes, kidney cyst really affects sexual life. But it does not mean patients need to avoid sexual life forever. Sexual life takes energy. Thus, as for patients with kidney dysfunction, proteinuria or hematuria, they need to avoid sexual life for a period of time. However, patients and their spouses will bear severe mental burden if they have no sexual life for a long time. Therefore, kidney disease patients generally can live a life like normal people. As long as they should have sexual life moderately and avoid tiredness. Female patients should pay attention to birth control, prevent infection and avoid getting pregnant.

However, the cysts will grow and when they grow to a large size, they may be easy to burst or rupture. With burst kidney cyst, it may cause urinary tract infections, blood urine or back pain. In this condition, your may lose the desire to have a sexual life.

To live a sexual life like a normal person, you need to shrink your kidney cyst with Chinese herbal medicines. Chinese medicines can increase the permeability of cysts, decrease the activity of lining cells and change inner and outer pressure difference of cystic wall. In this way, cystic fluid will be reabsorbed and then discharged out with urine. Kidney cyst can be shrunk to a small size and your life quality will be improved, including your sexual life.

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