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Will I Get High Blood Pressure with A Cyst in Kidney

2014-03-10 07:57

Will I Get High Blood Pressure with A Cyst in KidneyRecently, a patient left such a message in our website—will i get high blood pressure with a cyst in kidney. In fact, many patients put forth such a question. Now, I will give the answer in the following. Hope it can help you. If you have any question, please leave a message or send emails to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com.

First, let’s see what causes high blood pressure for people with kidney cysts.

Generally speaking, simple kidney cysts are benign, which can not cause any symptoms. But if you have PKD, you may have to pay attention. It is likely for people with PKD to suffer from high blood pressure. Because the growing cysts oppress the tissues around, resulting in ischemia, which may stimulate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system to release renin so that blood pressure increases to meet the supply of blood. On the other hand, it may cause secretion of aldosterone to retain sodium and remove potassium. This also lead to high blood pressure.

Second, let’s see how to lower blood pressure.

The conventional treatment for high blood pressure is ACE inhibitors and ARBs. They are not only effective in controlling high blood pressure, but also helps reduce proteinuria. But side effects appear down the road.

Chinese Medicine is natural, so there is no need for you to worry about its side effects. It includes 7 therapies. They help cleanse wastes and toxins from the body and repair the damaged kidneys as well as shrink kidney cysts. At last, with the improvement of kidney function, blood pressure gradually decreases.

Besides medication, you should follow a low sodium diet and do exercise regularly. They are also helpful for lowering blood pressure.

High blood pressure should be controlled timely, or it will accelerate the progression to kidney failure. If there is a cyst in your kidney, you had better talk with your doctor and take measures as early as possible.

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