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The Relationship Between Potassium and Chronic Kidney Disease

2015-07-21 15:07

The relationship between potassium and chronic kidney diseaseThis time we will give a detailed introduction of relationship between potassium and chronic kidney disease. Potassium in body can manipulate nerve and muscle function. In addition, electrolyte balance and PH are controlled by potassium. The normal potassium level in blood can maintain these functions. However, if potassium is lower or higher than normal level, these functions are affected seriously.

Kidney plays a leading and important role in controlling potassium level in blood. For patients with chronic kidney disease, kidney has a hard time in eliminating excessive potassium from body, resulting in high potassium level. In this situation, patients with CKD can have the symptoms of nausea, fatigue, numbness and slow pulse.

How to treat high potassium level in chronic kidney disease?

1. set up a diet plan

Patients should limit potassium and avoid rich potassium food. It is also important that they should have a low protein, low phosphorus, low salt diet in daily life. If swelling appears, water should be limited strictly. The below are high potassium food, which must be avoided:

Avocados, Bananas , Cantaloupe, Dried fruits , Honeydew , Kiwi, Mangos, Oranges & orange juice , Papaya, Prune juice, Artichoke, Dried beans and peas, Pumpkin, Potatoes, French fries, Spinach (cooked), Sweet potatoes , Tomatoes, tomato sauce , Vegetable juices , Winter squash , Ice cream, Yogurt , Ice cream, Milk, Yogurt

2. treatment

If CKD develops into end stage kidney disease, dialysis may be needed to replace kidney filter blood, but dialysis has many side effects like skin itching, low blood pressure, muscle cramps. It is harmful for patients in the long run. Chinese medicine has no side effects, and it can recover kidney function to eliminate excessive potassium from body through urine with the properties of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, promotion of blood circulation, degradation of fibrosis.

Low potassium in body is very rare for people, because most food contains potassium. Patients with CKD are highly recommended for Chinese medicine to treat high potassium level. If you need more or have any doubt, please be free to leave a message or contact online doctor.

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