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What Foods Can We Eat If We Have PKD

2015-02-17 05:42

What Foods Can We Eat If We Have PKDWe are told to be careful in our daily diet once being diagnosed with PKD, because some foods may cause further damage on kidney. Well, what foods can we eat on earth if we have PKD? When we search on google, we can find so many articles that told us what foods to avoid, but few of them are about foods that patients can eat. Here, we will introduce several foods that are recommended for PKD patients.


If you are not a vegetarian, fish will be a good food option. Fish contains high quality protein which can be easily consumed in our body and meanwhile produce less wastes that need to be discharged by kidneys.


Crunchy cabbage is a common vegetable filled with phytochemicals. Many phytochemicals are believed to be able to help us combat cancer and prevent cardiovascular disease. Besides, we patients are likely to suffer from constipation if we have PKD. Cabbage is rich in fiber which contributes to bowel movement and thus help to prevent constipation.


Cauliflower is also a kidney-friendly food which can be eaten with dip or in salad. It helps to neutralize toxic substances in blood and also benefit our body with abundant substances like folate, fiber and vitamin C.

-Egg white

Egg whites are pure protein which can provide our body the highest quality protein. In addition, when kidney function is impaired due to PKD, hyperphosphatemia is caused easily. To prevent this problem, low-phosphorus diet is needed. Egg white have less phosphorus than other protein sources such as yolk and meat.


Garlic is a commonly known as a flavoring for food, but actually it is also a herb good for our health. With PKD, we need to reduce sodium intake, because high sodium consumption not only elevates blood pressure, but also triggers swelling. To limit sodium intake, a low-salt diet is needed and in renal diet, we can use garlic to add extra flavor to the meals without adding extra sodium.

Here we just mentioned several foods good for PKD patients. If you want exact diet plan, please leave a message below or consult online doctor to get individual diet advice.

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