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What Is the Right Diet for PKD

2015-02-20 08:46

What Is the Right Diet for PKDPKD, the short version of Polycystic Kidney Disease, is a type of illness that needs us to make diet changes, because a wrong diet aggravates symptoms and speeds up illness progression. Well, what is the right diet for PKD?

A right PKD diet has been proven to be able to delay illness and also, the quicker we put ourselves on the right kind of diet, the better our chances are of arresting the development of PKD. Since a right diet plays such an important role in the systematic treatment, it is necessary to learning how to eat with Polycystic Kidney Disease in advance.

First of all, most of people with PKD also suffer from high blood pressure, so a low-salt diet is usually recommended. This helps to prevent further elevation of blood pressure, also a good way to keep bodies electrolytes balanced.

Secondly, protein intake also needs to be regulated when being diagnosed with PKD. Both high protein intake and low protein intake are harmful, so we need to make sure we are clear about how much protein is needed. Generally speaking, exact protein intake is calculated according to exact illness condition and body weight. (You can ask online doctor or leave a message to get individual advice). Additional, high quality protein is usually recommended in PKD.

Thirdly, it is also important that our potassium levels are correct if we are struggling with this kind of kidney problem. We can not live normally without enough potassium, but persistent high potassium level in blood will damage our heart and many other body systems. With PKD, we are more likely to have hyperkalemia, so we generally need to reduce potassium intake by avoid high potassium foods like banana, spinach and nuts.

Fourthly, high calcium, fiber and vitamin fiber diet are also necessary when living with PKD, and this will helps to prevent lots of physical discomforts or complications.

All in all, a right diet contributes to the tight control of PKD, and a wrong diet plan speeds up illness to kidney failure stage. Therefore, it is very significant to know how to make diet plan to help manage illness.

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There is no cure for PKD, but believe in us and we can control it well.

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