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Is Celery Good for Someone With PKD

2015-06-24 09:37

Is Celery Good for Someone With PKDIs celery good for someone with PKD? As we know, PKD is a genetic kidney disease for people, and it will finally develop into kidney failure without effective treatment. When patients get PKD, they also need to keep a well planed diet, which can reduce their kidney burden and protect their kidneys. Then patients will wonder whether they can eat celery with their disease.

Then is celery good for someone with PKD?

In fact, there are some benefits of taking the celery for PKD patients.

1. Lower high blood pressure

About more than 50% of the PKD patients will get high blood pressure, and the high blood pressure can cause further damage to kidneys. Taking celery can help lower the high blood pressure to some extent, so it will be beneficial for PKD patients.

2. Improve anemia

With the development of PKD, patients will get kidney damage. When the kidneys cant work well, it will fail to produce enough EPO, then patients will get anemia easily. Celery is high in iron, which can improve the anemia for PKD patients.

3. Relieve swelling

Swelling is a common symptom in PKD due to kidney damage. Taking celery can increase the urine output, which can remove the excess fluid out into urine, then it can help relieve the swelling for patients.

4. Improve the digestive system

Celery is high in fiber, which can improve the digestive system, then it can help remove the toxins and wastes out from intestinal tract.

Above are some of the benefits of taking celery for someone with PKD, which will be beneficial for their disease. However, since the specific illness condition will be different from case to case, so PKD patients need to eat proper amount of celery depending on their own illness condition.

If you want to get a well planed diet with PKD, you can send your recent test reports to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com, we will analyze your disease, and give you more suggestions.

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