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What Diet Should PKD Patients Follow

2015-06-21 01:58

What Diet Should PKD Patients FollowWhat diet should polycystic kidney disease (PKD) patients follow? Most PKD patients want to learn this question. Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease and this disease can be cured. Therefore, dietary nursing care becomes very important. If patients follow a good diet, it can reduce some factors which can stimulate the growth of kidney cysts, and also plays an important role in protecting residual kidney function. Well, what is a diet for PKD patients?

1. PKD diet should be light and more fresh vegetable intake.

Watermelon, cucumber and tomatoes are rich in vitamins. Fruits with high vitamin C include kiwi fruit, oranges and litchi. Vegetables with high vitamin C include bitter gourd, pimento, cauliflowers and Nasturtium officinale. However, most fruits and vegetables are high in potassium so PKD patients with elevated potassium level in blood should be cautious.

2. Low potassium and phosphorus intake

Healthy kidneys regulate potassium and phosphorus level in the blood. However, when kidney function is damaged, the kidneys fail to regulate these levels. In this condition, serum potassium and serum phosphorus levels often become elevated. Kidney doctors often offer low-potassium and low phosphorus diets to offset the high serum levels of these minerals. High potassium foods include potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, orange juice, lentils and other legumes. High phosphorus foods include milk, organ meats, beer, chocolate and cola drinks.

3. High sodium foods

PKD patients are suggested to keep a low sodium or no sodium diet. Too much sodium intake will aggravate swelling.

As a matter of fact, there is no an exact diet plan for PKD patients. Only the personalized diet management can help take the greatest effects. If you want to get your own diet, you can leave a message below or send email to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com. We will make a diet plan for you according to your own medical condition.

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