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Can You Get Bladder Pain with PKD

2015-11-11 06:16

Can You Get Bladder Pain with PKD PKD patients can get bladder pain, which is very annoying and painful for people, thus bladder pain should be taken notice of in life for PKD people. This time we will explain how bladder pain is caused by PKD, and how to prevent and treat bladder effectively for PKD patients.

Numerous cysts grow and enlarge by the time, which can compress tissues and kidney. In this case, urinary tract can be affected, making urine staying in bladder for a long time. In this way, infection can happen in bladder, causing pain for PKD patients. In addition, cysts can rupture when it is large enough, cyst fluids can flow with urine in urinary tract, causing bladder infection.

Cysts are the fundamental cause of bladder pain for PKD people, and shrinking cysts can be very effective to prevent bladder pain and treat bladder pain. Chinese medicine is good at shrinking kidney cyst, and improving kidney function. Inflammation can be prevented well with Chinese medicine. In this case, bladder infection gets treated very effectively. What is more, kidney failure which PKD people are very likely to develop can be prevented with Chinese medicine.

Low salt, low fat with no caffeine, low cholesterol are also necessary in diet to alleviate PKD condition. Although PKD is a uncured disease for us nowadays, we can control symptoms and slow down progression of PKD to have a longer and happier life. More or any question, leave a message or contact online doctors anytime. Reply will be given very soon for you in detail.

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