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Frequent Urination with PKD

2015-11-14 05:45

Frequent Urination with PKDPKD patients can have the symptom of frequent urination in life, and some patients may wonder how this is caused for them. This time we will give a detailed explanation and give some good suggestions about how to treat frequent urination with PKD.

Many cysts grow and enlarge in kidney place, which can cause kidney damage in the long term. In this case, kidney function can be affected, and decline, leading to kidney failure in the end. Kidney tubules have the function of reabsorption, which is responsible for reabsorbing fluids when kidney filters the blood. If this reabsorption gets damaged, people can have frequent urination.

The above are causes of frequent urination with PKD. Frequent urination is very annoying, and affects patients with PKD normal daily life. Then how to treat it well?

Chinese medicine can treat kidney failure very effectively by repairing kidney damage and recovering kidney function. In this way, kidney tubules can be under repair gradually, in this way, fluids can also be reabsorbed to prevent frequent urination for PKD patients in life. What is more, Chinese medicine can shrink kidney cysts very effectively to prevent further damage to kidney and other tissues in body.

Besides, patients with PKD should limit fluids in diet, which can also help alleviate frequent urination to some degree. Low salt, low phosphorus, low potassium, low protein, low fat are also needed in meals or diet for patients with PKD. If you have any question or need more information, leave a message or contact online doctors anytime. Reply will be given very soon.

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