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PKD and Fatigue

2015-11-15 08:10

PKD and Fatigue Fatigue is a symptom of PKD, and patients with PKD should take care of it in life. This time we mostly introduce how fatigue is caused by PKD and how to treat it effectively for you. See the below details:

Many cysts grow and enlarge by the time, which can do damage to kidney and other tissues by compressing them. Pain is common patients with PKD, which can make patients feel tired by common pain. In addition, if kidney is damaged, kidney function will decline. In this way, large amount of wastes and toxins can not be removed from body through urine well, leading to accumulation of toxins and wastes in body. In this way, many system of body can be affected, making patients get fatigue in life.

The above are leading causes of fatigue for patients with PKD, in addition, other symptom or high blood pressure can also contribute to fatigue for patients with PKD. How to treat fatigue in PKD well?

Shrinking kidney cysts and recovering kidney function are the best way to treat fatigue in PKD. Chinese medicine is just the treatment which can achieve this goal. It can promote blood circulation, expand blood vessels, prevent inflammation, repair kidney damage. In this way, kidney can be under recovery. In addition, cyst fluids can be inhibited from secreting and permeability of cyst wall can be increased to let fluids get out more easily. Thus, cysts can be shrunk very effectively. More or any question, leave a message or contact online doctor anytime. Reply will be given very fast for you in detail.

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