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What Can Cause Cola Colored Urine in Kidney Cyst

2014-08-06 08:12

What Can Cause Cola Colored Urine in Kidney CystKidney cyst is a common kidney disease which easily occurs in people who are older than 50 years. For most kidney cysts patients, they have no symptoms with their cyst. But in some other cases, they will have symptoms. Cola colored urine is a kind of symptom, then what can cause cola colored urine in kidney cyst patients?

Cola colored urine often refers to loss of red blood cells in blood, and the cause of blood urine for kidney cyst patients may be different from case to case. Here are some common factors that can cause cola colored urine in kidney cyst.

1. Hemorrhagic kidney cyst

The kidney cyst can grow in any part of the kidneys. If the kidney cyst is on the surface of kidney, it will come under the pressure of surrounding tissues and organs, and this can easily cause cyst rupture. Once the kidney cyst get ruptured, it can easily cause blood in urine.

2. Kidney stones

Kidney stone is a common complication in kidney cyst, because the kidney cyst can cause high urea acids levels in blood, and this can cause kidney stones. In addition, too much calcium in blood can also cause kidney stones. The kidney stones can easily cause blood in urine.

3. Kidney cyst infections

Blood urine is one of the symptom of cyst infection. Besides, when the kidney cyst gets infections, patients will also have the symptoms such as fever and chills.

From above, we can know that the cola colored urine can be caused by many factors in kidney cyst, so patients need to first find the reasons why they have cola colored urine, and then have effective treatment. If you want to get the specific treatment, you can ask the online doctor, or you can also leave a message.

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