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How To Remove Blood In Urine Naturally In Kidney Cyst

2014-12-19 03:54

How To Remove Blood In Urine Naturally In Kidney CystDo you know if a kidney cyst can cause blood in urine? Yes, blood in urine or hematuria is a common symptom of kidney cyst. Although blood in urine is just a symptom of kidney cyst, it will also cause further kidney damage if left untreated. In this regard, it is urgent to control blood in urine. Well, how to remove blood in urine naturally in kidney cyst?

To prevent blood in urine, we should know the cause of it. With time going on, kidney cyst will become large enough and then it is easy to rupture at any time. In this condition, many symptoms will occur, including blood in urine.

Thus, to treat hematuria, we need to prevent kidney cyst from growing and bursting. That is to say, how to shrink kidney cyst effectively.

We know surgery is often recommended by doctors. It is effective to remove big cysts but does nothing to small cysts. When big cysts are removed, small cysts will have enough space to grow. Under this condition, small cysts will grow quickly and kidney cyst will have a high risk of relapse. To avoid the advantage of surgery, you can have a try of Chinese herbal medicine treatment, which is obvious on shrinking cysts and improving renal function. On the basis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), our renal experts innovated Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy through many years of experiment. The active ingredients in this therapy can permeate into kidney lesion directly. Then, herbs can improve the permeability of kidney cysts and make cystic fluid flow out easily. In this way, kidney cyst can be shrunk. As long as kidney cyst are prevented from growing, it will reduce the risk of rupture and hematuria will be removed naturally.

Of course, we also will make a diet plan and a healthy lifestyle for you. As for kidney cyst patients, they should avoid spicy and stimulating food, follow a low salt, a low phosphorus and potassium diet. Besides, strenuous exercise is also necessary to prevent the rupture of kidney cyst.

Any question, please feel free to consult the online doctor or leave us a message to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com. We will try our best to help you.

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