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How to Treat the 12*10.8 cm Exophytic Cortical Cyst in Right Kidney

2015-04-09 01:44

Patient: I am diagnosed with exophytic cortical cyst 12*10.8 cm in right kidney. Recently, I vomit once and I have severe pain with the cyst. But the doctor only give me medicines to control my high BP. What should I do with my disease? Can you help me?

How to Treat the 12*10.8 cm Exophytic Cortical Cyst in Right KidneyDoctor: Exphytic cortical cyst is a kind of simple cyst. In most cases, the cyst will not cause any damage to kidneys. However, you said your kidney cyst is as large as 12*10.8 cm, which can oppres surrounding kidney tissues and cause kidney damage.

You said you vomit once and you also have high blood pressure. Both are mainly related to the large kidney cyst and kidney damage. When the cyst cause severe kidney damage, the kidneys will fail to remove the toxins and wastes out into urine, which can stimulate the digestive system and cause the symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc. In addition, the kidney damage can also lead to high blood pressure for you.

In this condition, you just take medicines to control the blood pressure is not enough, you also need to take treatment to shrink the kidney cysts and improve your kidney function. Here we recommend the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shiajiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital China, which has the function of removing fluid out from cyst and prevent the secretion of fluid from cyst wall, then it can help shrink the kidney cyst effectively. Besides, it can also help repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function, then it can control the blood pressure from root.

If you want to get more details of the treatment, you can consult online doctor, or you can also send e-mail to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com. We will do our best to help you.

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