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What Happens When Cyst Ruptures Will It Hurt

2015-09-19 09:54

What Happens When Cyst Ruptures Will It HurtI was diagnosed with two kidney cysts in my kidney. What happens if cyst ruptures and will it hurt? Here we will give you a detailed description of cyst rupture for you, in order to make you clear about results of kidney cyst if not managed well in daily life.

Cyst can grow and enlarge by the time, when it is big enough, other parts of body can be affected. What is worse, it can rupture easily if too large with outside crashes. Strong pain can be felt for patients if rupture occurs, and blood in urine will happen. Besides, infection in kidney may happen after cyst ruptures with flowing much cyst fluid.

Therefore, it is very important for kidney cyst patients to shrink cyst well to prevent rupture and damage to tissues and organs.

Good diet and healthy lifestyle is beneficial for kidney cyst patients. Chinese medicine is a option for shrinking kidney cyst very well by inhibiting secretion of cyst fluids and enhancing permeability of cyst walls. In this way, cyst gets shrunk effectively with Chinese medicine. Low protein, low phosphorus, low salt and low potassium are needed in daily life for kidney cyst patients, which can help improve kidney function and prevent kidney failure. Kidney failure does much harm to health, and can cause heart disease and cardiovascular problems which are very life threatening for patients. Chinese medicine is very effective for promoting blood circulation, expanding blood vessels and prevent inflammation to improve kidney.

Patients with kidney cyst should prevent rupture of kidney cyst and shrink cyst well in daily life with proper treatment and healthy diet. More or any doubt, be free to contact online doctors or leave a message anytime. Reply will be given very soon.

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