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Is There Any Treatment for Multicystic Kidney

2014-03-13 00:58

Is There Any Treatment for Multicystic KidneyIs there any treatment for multicystic kidney? The answer is certain. But there is still no treatment that can cure multicystic kidney. Muticystic kidney is also called polycystic kidney, which means there are a lot of fluid-filled cysts in the kidney.


At present, the treatment mainly aims at controlling its symptoms. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you may take hypotensive drugs, such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, etc. If you suffer from urinary tract infection, antibiotics may be needed. If you suffer from severe back pain, pain killer may be necessary. Besides, glucocorticoid and immunosuppressors may be used to reduce proteinuria.


In the early stage of multicystic kidney, surgery can remove certain big cysts to alleviate symptoms. One is to insert a long needle to drain the cysts and fill alcohol into the cysts to prevent them from forming again. Another is laparoscopic surgery and then seal the wound.

Dialysis and kidney transplant

When your kidney disease develop to kidney failure, dialysis and kidney transplant may be needed to take over your kidney function to filter wastes and toxins from your body.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Compared to the above treatments, Traditional Chinese Medicine is more effective in shrinking kidney cysts and preserving kidney function. Some of the active ingredients can dilate blood vessels to lower blood pressure, some can inhibit cyst fluid from forming, and some increase permeability of cyst wall, and some add pressure between cyst walls. As a result, the fluid can be eliminated from the cysts.

According to your medical condition, you can choose different remedies to treat your PKD. But you should choose the suitable one. Only in this way can you slow down progression to kidney failure and live a healthy and happy life. If you have any question, please leave a message or send emails to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com.

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