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Treatment for Renal Cortical Cyst and Blood in Urine

2014-09-29 08:46

Question: My uncle was diagnosed with renal cortical cyst, and he also has blood in urine. Is this disease deadly or preventable? What is the treatment for renal cortical cyst and blood in urine?

Treatment for Renal Cortical Cyst Treatment and Blood in UrineAnswer: Renal cortical cyst is a kind of kidney disease with fluid-filled sac formed in renal cortical. In most cases, the cortical cyst will cause no damage to kidneys if it not get enlarged. However, in some other cases, the cyst will get enlarged. When cyst is larger than 4 cm, it will oppress the surrounding kidney tissues and cause kidney damage, which will cause some severe symptoms for patients, such as back pain, blood in urine, proteinuria and high blood pressure. All these will make a bad prognosis for patients.

You said your uncle has blood in urine, which can be caused by many factors, such as kidney cyst rupture, infections, etc. If the blood in urine disappear with 7 days, we can consider the blood in urine is caused by the kidney cyst rupture. However, if the blood in urine consist for a long time, then it can be caused by the infections or kidney damage, and he need to have effective treatment as early as possible.

Here we recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to help treat the renal cortical cyst, which can help remove the fluid in cyst and prevent the increase of kidney cyst. And the herbs used in osmotherapy can also help repair the kidney damage and improve the kidney function, all these will be beneficial in treating his cortical renal cyst and blood in urine. If you want to get more information about our treatment, you can send e-mail to pkdtreatment169@gmail.com.

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